Reprocessing specific reports?

Is there any way to reprocess a specific Custom report?

Having more than 200 million visits a year it would be most convenient to reprocess specific reports instead of all reports. :slight_smile:

Hi @h_perfect ,

Yes, it is possible to process a specific Custom report from the console.
./console/customreports:archive [--idsites="..."] [--date="..."] [--idreport="..."] [--disable-segments] [--periods="..."]

โ€“idsites The ids of the sites you want to archive custom reports for (default: โ€œallโ€)
โ€“date The date or date range you want to archive custom reports for
โ€“idreport If set, only a specific report will be archived
โ€“disable-segments Disables archiving of pre-archived segments
โ€“periods Specify which periods should be archived. A comma separated list will archive multiple periods (default: โ€œallโ€)

Wonderful, thanks! :+1: Altough I need someone in my matomo-team to run the right commands in the access the console, that is exactly what I wanted to hear.