Help with error please

I get the following error:
Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please [contact your Matomo administrator]

Thing is, it seems to be inconsistant. Some time there are errors in one module on the dashboard, sometimes, none on the dashboard, but as I click on modules, it may happen.

I have increased max execution time in cpanel to 6000. That helped a bit, but im still getting the error. I use matomo on several sites and this is not the only one to have an error.

I havent enabled auto archiving, because the help pages say " If you are using Matomo for WordPress , you don’t need to do this as it utilises the WP Cron"

I havent Disabled “Archive reports when viewed from the browser” in the General Settings", because i dont have that in the Matomo>system>general settings

My error log shows an error related to matomo:

[30-Aug-2022 04:27:49 UTC] WordPress database error Table ‘wpbh_matomo_archive_numeric_2017_01’ already exists for query CREATE TABLE wpbh_matomo_archive_numeric_2017_01 (
date1 DATE NULL,
date2 DATE NULL,
ts_archived DATETIME NULL,
PRIMARY KEY(idarchive, name),
INDEX index_idsite_dates_period(idsite, date1, date2, period, ts_archived),
INDEX index_period_archived(period, ts_archived)
made by require_once(’/plugins/matomo/app/core/dispatch.php’), Piwik\FrontController->dispatch, Piwik\FrontController->doDispatch, call_user_func_array, Piwik\Plugins\CoreHome\Controller->renderReportWidget, Piwik\Plugin\Report->render, Piwik\Plugins\CoreVisualizations\Visualizations\Sparkline->render, Piwik\Plugin\ViewDataTable->loadDataTableFromAPI, Piwik\ViewDataTable\Request->loadDataTableFromAPI, Piwik\API\Request->process, Piwik\API\Proxy->call, Piwik\Context::executeWithQueryParameters, Piwik\API\Proxy->Piwik\API{closure}, call_user_func_array, Piwik\Plugins\API\API->get, Piwik\API\Proxy->call, Piwik\Context::executeWithQueryParameters, Piwik\API\Proxy->Piwik\API{closure}, call_user_func_array, Piwik\Plugins\VisitsSummary\API->get, Piwik\Archive->getDataTableFromNumeric, Piwik\Archive->get, Piwik\Archive->getArchiveIds, Piwik\Archive->cacheArchiveIdsWithoutLaunching, Piwik\DataAccess\ArchiveSelector::getArchiveIds, Piwik\DataAccess\ArchiveTableCreator::getNumericTable, Piwik\DataAccess\ArchiveTableCreator::getTable, Piwik\DataAccess\ArchiveTableCreator::createArchiveTablesIfAbsent, Piwik\DataAccess\Model->createArchiveTable, Piwik\Db\Adapter\WordPress->query

This is for Clients website. PLEASE HELP

How many servers do you use for Matomo? Isn’t there case where 2 archiving processes could be run at the same time?

Hi, thanks for replying. I use the wordpress plugin.

Hi @sjpals,
My question was not about the version of Matomo you used, but the number of server on which Matomo (or the Matomo WordPress plugin if you prefer) is installed… ?

im sorry, I dont know what you mean by this. I presume 1?? Please can you explain what you mean by this?

I host many wordpress websites. Several of them have matomo on. I have checked 2 and they both have the errors.

If only one server is used to serve your WordPress site, then it is 1, but if you use a load balancer (in case of high traffic, because only one single server wouldn’t be enough), then it is several :wink:

About your issue, then I have no other idea… Maybe @innocraft have some?

um, ok, then probably lots? I use shared hosting.

Hello @sjpals

I agree with @heurteph-ei : we need to know if your website is replicated in multiple servers behind a load balancer.
Could you ask it to your hosting provider?

Kind regards


The answer I got from my host:

We do not have any such load balancer. If you are using any CDN then your website may be behind their proxied IP. If you are not using any CDN, then your website will directly resolve from our server IP.

I am using a CDN on one site, but not on the other. Both are showing the error
Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please [contact your Matomo administrator]

PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP!!! Its nearly been a month and I need to get this sorted

Sorry, it is not easy to help you as we don’t understand your architecture…
You mention CDN (Content Delivery Network, ie no server data processing ; just file distribution, like images, JavaScript, etc.). Matomo process data, then it is not on a CDN

what else do you need to know??
My client site doesnt have a load balancer or CDN.
I only use the wordpress plugin
I havent enabled auto archiving
I havent Disabled “Archive reports

I all of my websites use the same hosting and same wordpress stack and they all have the same error message : Oops… there was a problem during the request. Maybe the server had a temporary issue, or maybe you requested a report with too much data. Please try again. If this error occurs repeatedly please [contact your Matomo administrator]

Do you encounter this error from the beginning of Matomo use, or did it suddenly failed?
Is there automatic update enabled (for Matomo)?

Same problem. I installed Matomo on my Wordpress website two days ago, and I have this message written all over the dashboard. The only result I got is the number of visitors. In French, the message is this one, a translation of sjpals’s error message: « Oups… Il y a eu un problème pendant le traitement de la requête. Peut-être que le serveur a eu un souci temporaire, ou peut-être que vous avez demandé un rapport avec trop de données. Veuillez réessayer. Si cette erreur se répète veuillez contacter votre administrateur Matomo pour obtenir de l’aide. »

By the way, my website is “brand new”: it’s been online for seven days. It’s my only one for now.

@FrancoisP , can you check on the server log file if there is some details about the error (or maybe is it th same as sjpals one)?

Euh… Where can I find the file through WP Dashboard?
I downloaded the WP Activity Log extension (Free Edition) an hour ago, but of course, it cannot go back to where I was earlier. And I am not sure that this tool would give me the report you are talking about, unless I get the Premium Edition. Thanks for your help anyway. I appreciate it.

“Matomo error: 8192: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated in $abs_path/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/conditionals/third-party/elementor-edit-conditional.php:22 => bootstrap.php:56; bootstrap.php:85; elementor-edit-conditional.php:22; loader.php:271; loader.php:209; class-wp-hook.php:307; class-wp-hook.php:331; plugin.php:476; wp-settings.php:598; wp-config.php:111; wp-load.php:50; bootstrap.php:95; console:11;”

Or this one (both found in the Diagnostics tool of Matamo): “Matomo error: 8192: preg_match(): Passing null to parameter #2 ($subject) of type string is deprecated in $abs_path/wp-content/plugins/loginizer/functions.php:107 => bootstrap.php:56; bootstrap.php:85; functions.php:107; functions.php:73; functions.php:48; init.php:297; class-wp-hook.php:307; class-wp-hook.php:331; plugin.php:476; wp-settings.php:461; wp-config.php:111; wp-load.php:50; bootstrap.php:95; console:11;”