In Piwik 1.x a weekly email reports were send out to the recipient address which was really great. In Piwik 2.0.3 we no longer receive any email reports.
I am able to „Send Report now“. We don’t use a crontab to automatically archive the reports. Is it required to use email reports?
I am also having this problem. Here’s a previous thread as well: 301 Moved Permanently
I’ve looked through all of the resources here 301 Moved Permanently and don’t see any potential explanations or solutions. I couldn’t find a bug on Trac, although I’m not used to using Trac so I may have missed it.
I have cron running archive.php every hour and that’s working fine. I can see the log file changing each hour. However, I’m not getting reports emailed to me like I was with Piwik 1.x. All of my reports are scheduled to run daily.
Any idea what may have changed in the new version that could cause this?
Thanks for any help with this. Please let me know what other information you need.
I apologize for any duplicate postings of this. This message keeps going to a moderation queue for some reason. I fixed the formatting for hte code block.
Thank you all for your help so far.
any way you could update to at least 5.3.3?[/quote]
No, there’s not an easy way for me to do this as I’m using shared hosting. Plus, it appears @tomb301 Moved Permanently is running PHP 5.4.23 and still having this problem.
I’m not receiving any error messages from archive.php and I’ve followed the relevant instructions through the auto-archiving page . I have the email option set but am not receiving emails from the cron job. Am I supposed to get emails when there are no errors?
Here’s my crontab file:
MAILTO="<email address>",
@hourly sh -c $'/usr/local/php53/bin/php <path-to-piwik>/misc/cron/archive.php --url=http://<url-to-piwik> > /home/<user>/piwik.log'
Me too have same problem since i upgrade to 2.03 from 1.2. I do not use cron job script.But when i run the cron job script from web interface url i get the report in email. But not as schedules in email setting.
after 2-3 days, do you see any “error” in this file?[/quote]
I made this change and can see that archive.php is running once per hour with no errors.
Interestingly, I did receive my reports in my email this time. I think the relevant part of the log showing the reports being sent is:
INFO [2014-01-16 05:01:26] [0f1cf] ---------------------------
INFO [2014-01-16 05:01:26] [0f1cf] SCHEDULED TASKS
INFO [2014-01-16 05:01:26] [0f1cf] Starting Scheduled tasks...
INFO [2014-01-16 05:01:36] [0f1cf] task,output
API.sendReport_1,Time elapsed: 5.537s
API.sendReport_2,Time elapsed: 3.429s
INFO [2014-01-16 05:01:36] [0f1cf] done
INFO [2014-01-16 05:01:36] [0f1cf] ---------------------------
I’m not sure why the reports were sent this time and not previously. Is it possible that archive.php has to be run for a certain amount of time prior to the reports being generated and emailed?
Is it now a requirement to setup a cron job for archive.php in order to have reports automatically sent via email?
I’ll post back in a day or two to let you all know if my reports continue to be emailed.
This will list the upcoming tasks and when the reports will be sent. Does it show the right scheduled tasks?[/quote]
Thanks. I’m not sure why I’d need this. Can you explain more? The reports are being emailed to me at the time I have them scheduled to be emailed.
Since I haven’t seen errors in the log file for a few days and my reports are being emailed, I’m going to direct the output to /dev/null and see what happens. I’ll let you know if report emailing stops.
this morning the (weekly) reports were delivered automatically.
It seems to be so, that Piwik 2.x needs an archive cronjob.
Without this cronjob, the reports were not delivered.
Now, it works for me with an archive cronjob.[/quote]
I just want to get back on this issue too. Yes, in Piwik 2.x a cronjob is required to send out the weekly reports! Today we’ve also received all site reports. Fantastic!
All email reporting is working for me and has been for a couple of weeks or so, that is, after setting up the archive.php cronjob. I think there was some delay between the time I created the cronjob to the time the reports were actually sent, but once it caught up (or something), it seems to be working fine. Thank you for this wonderful software!