April 5th: new Piwik RC available! with Custom Date Range and many fixes

I am getting this error when expanding the “Best search engines with average page” widget in the dashboard:

Fatal error: Access level to Piwik_SearchEnginePosition_Filter_AddAveragePage::filter() must be public (as in class Piwik_DataTable_Filter) in /var/www/plugins/SearchEnginePosition/Filter/AddAveragePage.php on line 18

I fixed it making it use the same function declaration (public function filter($table)), but I have not investigated if the $table param should get used, too.

Maybe it’s just the abstract class that’s wrong here?

rayliu, period=range should work and “Sum” the data for the specified date range

Cyril, good suggestion I will take a look!

blueyed, the plugin is not compatible with the new RC unfortunately. If you can, please submit a new ZIP on the ticket of the plugin: Plugin: Adds a widget showing average page number in search engines page results (works with Google, Yahoo, Live, etc.) · Issue #502 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub

New Visitor log really rock! Thank You

Thanks for enlightening me about the “sum” part for custom date range… i thought I would get data like multi-arrays of years or months etc… like how date=last10, period=year, would have given me… arrays of years with data…

I’ve tested and so far it seems to be working right! Summation of the data! :slight_smile:

I just had a look at the Piwik Online Demo and noticed a small bug in the actions column of the new Visitor Log. HTML entities aren’t displayed correctly there.
‘Unique visitors “under” a page’ should read ‘Unique visitors “under” a page’ I think. See attached screenshot.


1.3-rc1 now released, this will become 1.3 unless new bugs are found. Please keep testing and report here any issues!

Cyril, the bug is now fixed in 1.3-rc1
n0v1, we will take a look at the double encoding display issue.

@n0v1 the bug was fixed in SVN, thanks for the report! http://dev.piwik.org/trac/changeset/4432

When going to settings, General settings I get the following:
Fatal error: Class ‘Piwik_LanguagesManager’ not found in /var/www/html/piwik/plugins/CoreAdminHome/Controller.php on line 42
(everything else so far seems to be working in the latest RC)

Settings -> General Settings directs to this URL:


daubman, it sounds like some files are not uploaded correctly (reupload all, or just plugins/LanguagesManager/ )

Matt: thanks for the quick reply. It turns out the languages manager plugin was not active (is this new in 1.3?)

After activating the plugin things are back to working as expected.

daubman, OK thanks for the details, the plugin will now be always activated: http://dev.piwik.org/trac/changeset/4439

OK, all bugs reported here and elsewhere are now fixed, 1.3-RC2 released. Please keep testing, if nothing shows up we will move this release to be 1.3. Thank you

is the mobile app, webkit based only? also, any plans to get it on the nokia OVI store?

Matt - thanks for the quick turnaround.

A few more hopefully easy suggestions related to dates/ranges:

  1. Allow the setting of ranges, including the use of keywords like now, today, in the ‘Report date to load by default’ user setting.
  2. In the date picker widget, allow the user to type in date keywords like now, today, etc… in the From/To fields above the calendar (currently, you have to modify the URL manually, as the date picker will not let you apply a range that it doesn’t think is a valid yyyy-mm-dd format)

Thanks again,

budgierless: sorry, there’s little chance of an official mobile app appearing in the OVI store. Piwik Mobile uses Appcelerator’s Titanium Mobile framework. At present, Appcelerator has not mentioned any plans to support Symbian, Meego, or Windows Phone 7.

budgierless: sorry, there’s little chance of an official mobile app appearing in the OVI store. Piwik Mobile uses Appcelerator’s Titanium Mobile framework. At present, Appcelerator has not mentioned any plans to support Symbian, Meego, or Windows Phone 7.[/quote]

oh well thats a shame as, nokia is the number one selling phone company in the world, so its would of help give piwik access to a very wide customer base. but i guess rome was not built in a day, thanks anyways.

RC3 now available! this should be final now!

Yeah really good performance great work

As of demo.piwik.org, the ui for custom date range is still immature, because the period selection isn’t correctly formulated.

Now we have a radio button selection among:
[li] day
[/li][li] week
[/li][li] month
[/li][li] year
[/li][li] date range

However, the day/week/month/year selection shows a fixed range of day/week/month/year, while the date range selection shows a custom days range, with no way to show a custom week, month, years range.

I think we should leave the period selection list as it was before, and to transform the date range selection in a check box, so that when it’s checked/unckeded, a standard/custom day/week/month/year period is shown.

SVN trunk is now frozen, and we have released which will hopefuly be the last RC before final release.

Please update to RC4 and if you find any issue or bug please report!