April 5th: new Piwik RC available! with Custom Date Range and many fixes

in the latest RC, 4, it has trouble in the MultiSites;

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 10 seconds exceeded in /home/yethostn/subdomener/statistikk.yet.no/core/ArchiveProcessing.php on line 700

There was not this issue in the stable 1.2.1 release.


and when i reload, i usually gets OK, but then i miss some in the action-field on at least one site:

isogne.no 	4183 	0  	0  	15.97 %

in other words; a lot of visits, but no pageviews. in the stats for the actual site, it seems fine. it doesn’t add the missing numbers to the total amount next to the title either:

(7745 visits, 8749 actions (pageviews))

i now set the max_execution_time to 30, and it gives no errors, but the actions and uniqe visitor-field in MultiSites is still show 0 for that site i mentioned above.

edit: as far as i can see, it’s only occur when i use the month-time period, and year. day and week seems fine.

edit: i’m sorry for the bother - i have now set up the cron-archive - and it all works perfect. i just didn’t think that i had a “large” site…