Allow Customization of Map Widget

Hey :slight_smile:

I would like to suggest a rather small detail change to the live-map-widget, which hopefully can be added quite easily:
The one thing that has kept me from using the live map widget is the user details offered in the black info squares as one hovers over the visits - that is just too much info leaking there IMO, so my request comes down to:
Please add an option NOT to display these info-bubbles (or, for the time being, point me at the code to investigate),
or allow for picking the variables one would like to have displayed (current page and location would be nice to have for most cases) .
If adjusting the widgets colours (the orange) would be offered, that would be much appreciated, too :wink:

Keep up the great work folks & all the best


I can’t help with the customization of the widget, but I have a solution for that:

All of Piwiks design is intended to be easily themeable.
You’ll just need to write a theme ( that overrides the variables at the bottom of


You can check my theme for inspiration:

Hey Lukas!
i’ll have a look at that, chances are I’ll find a way to simply hide the pop-up info boxes completely by CSS this way,
which seems a valid temporary solution.
Thank you very much :slight_smile:


Just keep in mind that hiding via CSS doesn’t prevent leaking information.

And keep in mind that if you embed the map on a public website you’ll need to allow public access or an access token which both allow the visitors to view all Piwik data.

I’m aware of the first aspect, but since my concern was more not to irritate the average user than to actually protect the already anonymised data, the solution can be considered.

I’ll have to investigate that carefully, thanks for the hint.
I had expected there would be an option to set up some sort of access restrictions for the public/anonymous user (similar to setting up a preconfigured dashboard for users), if that is not possible then that might be something worth considering some time.
Arguably, a public live visitor map is a somewhat kinky thing to have, but lots of smaller community sites feature something similar ( is a service offering such maps that springs to mind, which I would not recommend for data privacy concerns).
Anyways, thanks again for your response!

You can find more about that topic here:

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