On IIS 10, Windows Server 2012 Matomo displays a notification “Matomo couldn’t write to some directories (running as user ‘nt authority\iusr’)” despite this user having full control of the plugins directory and its contents granted via icacls D:\Websites\matomo\plugins /grant:r "NT AUTHORITY\IUSR":F /T
Matomo is able to install and activate plugins from the Marketplace without issue, so I’m guessing this is a bug. I’ve hidden the notification for our analytics users via custom styles imported into main.less:
Hi there,
Thanks for the feedback. Can you maybe check that the user also has permission to update all sub-folders of plugins/ folder? Maybe the problem is that an existing plugins/XYZ folder (or a sub-folder) is not writable?
Hi Matthieu, I can confirm that IUSR has “full control” permissions, inherited all the way down to all subfolders (the greyed out icons in the “Allow” column shows that permissions are inherited from the parent “plugins” directory) and is the owner of the parent “plugins” directory and its contents.
As noted, Matomo is able to install and activate plugins from the Marketplace without issue, so I’m guessing this is a bug.
Same problem here on Ubuntu.
Installed Matomo last week, everything was fine. Today I tried to install the BotTracker via the market and now it’s showing this message wherever I go.
This is an annoying bug in Matomo that is in the process of being fixed.
The message appears when Matomo can’t write a file, but doesn’t disappear after you fix the permissions. You can log out and log in again to remove it.
And revert your permission as at the moment everyone on your server can read and modify all Matomo data