WP plugin is redundant or necessary?

What’s the use of going for a manual installation instead of installing the Wordpress plugin, if the javascript code inserted in the header is not fetched and one needs to install the plugin anyway to make it work? Really.

Hi @Criss
Manual installation can work if you correctly add the JavaScript, but plugins simplify the process by handling updates and compatibility issues. Unless you have a specific reason for manual installation, using the plugin is more efficient and reliable.

hello! Well, the less plugins one installs the better. Besides, why would a plugin be more reliable that a snippet of code? I would like to know, please. People at Matomo don’t really explain why the Worpress path is better than the manual one.

As a matter of fact, I have not included the code manually neither have installed the plugin, and yet Matomo is recording visits. So I really would like some clarification on this. Thanks