World Map Feature Suggestion (Exclude top countries)

Hi there,

I’d realy love the option to exclude some “top visiting countries” in the new world map feature. Most of us are having targeted websites for specific markets (eg. France only or Asia specific) as a result there is only one “dark blue” country (as an example see the screenshot in the change log to version 0.7) and all the rest is quite invisible. A feature to exclude some top countries in view mode would enable to a useful overview on which countries are following.
E.g. my site has some 30k Visitors from Germany, next to follow up is Switzerland with barely 300 visitors.

An (easyer!) alternative to “exclude top countries” could also be to have the color scheme exponential/logarithmic to turn darker fast with fewer visitors (1 visitor = still white, 10 visitors already quite visibly blue) while there is only a minimal difference between 1k and 10k visitors in colour.
The logarithmic scale would be 1-10-100-1000 iso 0-500-1000 on the same size of the colour-bar thus giving countries with fewer visitors darker colours.


I like this idea, too. The United states is my primary referring country, but I would like to exclude the US to see the other countries that are visiting my site.