Hi, I installed Piwik, everything worked fine for a couple of days.
Since yesterday the widgets are no longer loaded on the different pages. I can log in, I see the menu bar, I can alter my settings etc. But the widgets are not loaded.
I get JS error messages on the page and the indicator “loading data” runs forever.
I have tried Opera and IE. I disabled my ad-muncher filtering and all pop-up blocking stuff.
I haven’t changed anything on the server, nor can I find any error entries in log files. My server is a Linux system running lighttp as web-server with PGP in fast-cgi mode.
Any idea how I can hunt down the problem or how to solve it?
I get the same thing when I try to sort (asc or desc) on any of the widgets. It doesn’t always happen and if I reload the page and click on the exact same thing that raised the Javascript error, it usually doesn’t do it again.
I can however reproduce the error every time I load the dashboard. It may just be in a different place than before.
I’m using Firefox 3.0.5 with Firebug (to capture the error). The error happens whether or not I have Firebug enabled/disabled:
Hi, thanks a lot. BTW: It’s really a nice tool! So good work!
QUOTE (michaelc @ Jan 8 2009, 03:47 PM]To resolve your problem we need to investigate it a bit deeper.
Please provide me with all JS error messages you get in the browser when loading the widget dashboard. You can use a Firefox JavaScript debug console.[/quote]
Ok, here it is. I used several browsers to see what’s happening:
… Strange: On IE it’s now working …
Do you have telepatic-healing-support for Piwik running?
I use Ad-Muncher on Windows. I specified not to filter the Piwik stuff. But I think I had an old IE instance running and just opended a new tab to access Piwik. It seems that this won’t help, you have to start a new instance.
How about adding a sanity-check to Piwik that will check if all elements are there, can work and if not show a message like: Hey, ABC was filtered out. That’s why it’s not working.