Why is at least one website required?

I’m surprised that Matomo requires that at least one tracked website exists at all times.

I’m attempting to script an automated installer for UBOS, and it makes very little sense that I pick some arbitrary site that is there once the user logs in for the first time.

Also, I can’t delete the last of my tracked websites either. Why not? Let’s say I offer a service to customers that monitors their websites, and, as bad luck has it, I just lost my last customer but am hopeful to get a new one next week. In the meantime, I should be able to have zero websites being tracked.

What am I misunderstanding about this requirement for at least one site? Can I at least point it to myself, i.e. the site that runs Matomo itself?

Great question. in fact I had the same question myself. it seems it is needed as there is a dependency with the home page dashboard display, which needs at least one website. So for temporary workaround, you could create a sample website (dummy) and delete rest of the unnecessary things.

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