Hi. I monitor multiple sites using Piwik, - and I often wonder what time GMT time is. I know which timezone I’m in :-), but summer/winter time makes me wonder anyway, - and I often end up seeing my sites getting hits from tomorrow, - or receiving hits for tomorrow half an hour before midnight. Trial and error will eventually help me but would it be possible to show the current GMT time in the page where I control the timezone for my websites, - under website management under settings ? This would make it a lot easyer to see what my gmt+ setting should be. Kim Igel. (and mainly because my country doesnt change daylight savings at the same date GMT does I end up with this problem ´4 times a year)
GMT is same as UTC and Piwik displays the time in the Websites Edit screen (in the help tooltip)
Ah, had never noticed, - thankyou.