What is the param apiModule & apiAction of API.getProcessedReport

When I read Reporting API Reference, and try to use http report API

API.getProcessedReport (idSite, period, date, apiModule, apiAction, segment = ‘’, apiParameters = ‘’, idGoal = ‘’, language = ‘’, showTimer = ‘1’, hideMetricsDoc = ‘’, idSubtable = ‘’, showRawMetrics = ‘’, format_metrics = ‘’, idDimension = ‘’) [ Example in XML, Json, Tsv (Excel) , RSS of the last 10 days ]

I couldn’t find where is the defination of these API’s parameter, I don’t know I should put what into apiModule & apiAction. I don’t see them on the above standard or optional param.
So what should I input?

In the examples, you get some… Examples! :wink:
For XML: ?module=API&method=API.getProcessedReport&idSite=1&period=day&date=yesterday&apiModule=UserCountry&apiAction=getCountry&showTimer=1&format=xml&token_auth=anonymous
Example of apiModule: UserCountry
Example of apiAction: getCountry
So these parameters can be found below in the same page:

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Thanks! I think I figure out it now!

Thanks! I think I figure out it now!