What is the future of Piwik?

Since Piwik 2.0, we have read hundreds of emails, tickets, and thousands of posts in the Piwik forums. The Piwik team along with the community have prepared the Piwik Roadmap.

What is the future of Piwik?

We hope you find the Roadmap exciting and inspiring. Please leave your feedback here, we look forward to hearing from you! (tu)

Piwik Roadmap

I wish I had the possibility to pay 5 developers all year long to make it happen faster… :slight_smile:

One thing strikes me as I peruse the roadmap: Theme Development Contest.

We’re almost 5 months after 2.0 hit the web and there’ still not a single theme available except PleineLune (made by Core Team). IMHO it screams “please, don’t put much energy there and concentrate on Core features”.

My understanding is that priorities goes to stuff asked to Piwik Pro and then send back to Core if it makes sense and then it’s dependent of Devs taste (and that’s ok, if you don’t spend m0ney, you can’t influence priorities).

What I like in the roadmap is “Survey of Piwik users & developers” within 3 months. Maybe you should start an official post to let people suggest features not already in Trac or question you should ask.

If you want some help about the survey I can try to help the Team.


Thanks for the feedback on the roadmap!

IMHO it screams “please, don’t put much energy there and concentrate on Core features”.
That’s what we are planning to do (tu)

What I like in the roadmap is “Survey of Piwik users & developers” within 3 months. Maybe you should start an official post to let people suggest features not already in Trac or question you should ask.
btw our previous and only survey is still viewable at: http://survey.piwik.org/index.php/67354?lang=en

If you want some help about the survey I can try to help the Team.
Definitely you can help us with the survey. Maybe you can email us your ideas via: http://piwik.org/contact/

Nice to know about piwik features and plans. Interesting thing is]Open source analytics. I hope it could be a better alternative to google analytics. Wish you can address certain issues in Google analytics.

From what I can see this program is much better than Google analytics, its runs smoother and is easier to use for me. I hope it continues to grow as its a really great program


Owner Of Quizzys LLC

Thanks! see also: 301 Moved Permanently

Looks bright

I just looked into the Roadmap, and I wonder about when it says 3-5 years: from when?

I actually looked for time period (month over month, year over year, etc.) feature what brought me to take a better look into the roadmap.


I will have two UI specialists / front end developers at my disposal without much work for about 20 days. Would be glad to be of any help…

I hope it will be great.


I will have two UI specialists / front end developers at my disposal without much work for about 20 days. Would be glad to be of any help…

Indeed this could be huge for Piwik :slight_smile: We keep track of some usability issues here: https://github.com/piwik/piwik/labels/c:%20Usability

Maybe a good place to start? If you need more guidance let me know!

Looks like the survey’s data is not available any longer?
Is there any way to have a look?
I’d be very interested to get some insight which are the most-used PIWIK features, what the average PIWIK-tracked sites dayly visitor count is,
some idea about the “shared hosting” / “dedicated server” use ratio in the community etc etc.
Keeping this kind of info available would be very usefull to be able to comment on the roadmap, while having an idea how many fellow PIWIK users might benefit from a certain course of action.

Looks like the survey’s data is not available any longer?

What do you mean by this? We should not have removed any information already published.

Regarding the current survey I’ll take a look at answers in coming weeks - is that you’re interested in maybe?

Hey matt!
I tried following the link you posted in this thread

btw our previous and only survey is still viewable at: [survey.piwik.org]
and it returns a page saying


This survey is no longer available.

Please contact Adrian Speyer ( survey [at] piwik.org ) for further assistance.[/i]

Yes, I’d be absolutely interested to have a look at the surveys results. I’d assume there should be some key information about PIWIKs target audience, so it should be possible to start thinking / feedbacking on the roadmap once that is available.

Another out-of-the-blue thing I have been wondering about:
WHY oh why [fit in anything expressing great bewilderment] are we holding a survey on things that might as well be tracked by using PIWIK?
Since PIWIK regularily needs to correspond with some central server to check for updated versions, why dont you just attach anonymised information about the installation issuing the request?
This could be done quite easily I imagine by attaching some $_GET params to that request, and would lead to much better insight than a survey which is hardly likely to be representative of all zillions of PIWIK users.
Seeing that the whole community is benefitting from tracking and analysing, I dont believe there would be many complaints about such proceedings, as long as the process will not track sensible data like ecommerce revenues and the tracked domains are anonymized. Offer an opt out :wink:

There is a ton of not-private info which would be extremely usefull to keep developing the most needed features, and which would also give insight in the different usecases of PIWIK, and I wouldn’t mind you tracking which widgets I use, wether my installation is a low- medium- or high traffic scenario, wether I’m using email reports or not etc etc.

Edit: Just spotted this idea discussed on GitHub, too :slight_smile: Good to see there seems to be an issue heading this way :slight_smile:
Sorry for the duplicate, it is indeed a bit difficult to keep all open issues at hand…

Hi there!

WHY oh why [fit in anything expressing great bewilderment] are we holding a survey on things that might as well be tracked by using PIWIK?

The main reason we do this is Privacy http://piwik.org/privacy/
we cannot track information from users without their consent. So if we track things like number of websites, users, approximate traffic etc, then we would need to ask users to send the data. feel free to comment in https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/4589

What I like in the roadmap is “Survey of Piwik users & developers” within 3 months.


I own a website. I have recetly heard about PIWIK service, and until now I have used Analytics.
Where I can see some videos or tutorials about PIWIK?

Thank you


I would also like to ask if there is a link available with some tutorials in order to fully comprehend the features of piwik.
Thank you for your time and sorry for the off topic…

Great work!!
Thanks a lot


Thanks Bro ^-^
owner : sq24.com