What is search results pages column in site search keywords widgets

how is the column search results pages in search keywords widgets is calculated and what does it specify exactly?

Hover on the column name to see the description of the column.

i want exactly how they are calculating that column and little more details.

hi matt,
is this search result pages related to search depth?

Have a look at Site Search Tracking and Reporting - Analytics Platform - Matomo

actually the definiton it is showing and the way it is calculating is different can somebody answer me is this exactly the search depth?

Legitimate question as I don’t see any mouse over hint and the help page doesn’t say what the contents of the column are.

Legitimate question as I don’t see any mouse over hint and the help page doesn’t say what the contents of the column are.

Oh thanks for the report, this is a bug, i created an issue here: https://github.com/piwik/piwik/issues/8257