Weird problem with piwik and mysql

Hi there,

I’m having very weird problem. Piwik is blocking itself on mysql server after some time of normal work. This is happenning about once per 24h and I have to do FLUSH HOSTS; on mysql server.

I have set up logging on piwik and can see that last thing it did in the night before being blocked is set of queries about table _archive_numeric_YYYY_MM - mostly selecting and deleting from there. Total queries = 105 and time is more then 5 seconds.

Do you have any idea what can that be and how can I fix this?

=== edit ===

So actually this is really weird as this means it is reaching limit of interrupted connections. Why piwik would create interrupted connections?

Hi. Is it maybe correlated with the archiving process? Do you run archiving from the CLI?

after big investigation - this was not connected to piwik. But the thing is solved now :slight_smile: