Weekly reports wrong

Hi guys,

I made a original post here but it appears the error has become worse

I’m having trouble with viewing everything in weekly reports. For some reason when I view reports in weekly mode, some of them appear empty with zero visits even though if I go and see daily I can see that reports are there. Originally it was only 1 week that it had happened, but now it seems that its spanning over a month and a half of reports.

The image below is the monthly view:

With this image being the daily view half way through the last week with zero views:

I’ve tried deleting my archive_blob’s and archive_nuremic for both months, August of this year and September, and regenerated them but it doesn’t seem to have worked.

I’ve tried calling the API like so:

https://stats.example.com/index.php?module=API&method=CoreAdminHome.invalidateArchivedReports&idSites=15&dates=2012-08-06,2012-08-07,2012-08-08,2012-08-09,2012-08-10,2012-08-11,2012-08-12,2012-08-13,2012-08-14,2012-08-15,2012-08-16,2012-08-17,2012-08-18,2012-08-19,2012-08-20,2012-08-21,2012-08-22,2012-08-23,2012-08-24,2012-08-25,2012-08-26,2012-08-27,2012-08-28,2012-08-29,2012-08-30,2012-08-31,2012-09-01,2012-09-02,2012-09-03,2012-09-04,2012-09-05,2012-09-06,2012-09-07,2012-09-08,2012-09-09&token_auth=I've changed this

I then re-ran the archive.php script which says that its regenerating the reports for those days/weeks but it doesn’t change the fact that those weeks are still missing reports.

I’ve also tried changing the settings described here but again that didn’t help either.

I’m running PHP version 5.2.17 with the latest version of Piwik. Luckily I also haven’t deleted my old logs so I can re-archive the reports, it just doesn’t seem to be working for some reason.

Has anyone else uncounted this problem and managed to fix it? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

You did the right steps to troubleshoot. Did you delete the archive_blob and archive_numeric tables for all months encompassing these weeks ?

If so, when you run archive.php does it show any error ?

Do you see visitors in the visitor log for these days ?

I did delete all the required logs, yes. It appears some of them have started to come back, I’m only missing 5 weeks on one website and 1 week on the other.

I think I know whats gone wrong with that one though, I will leave it for a few hours and get back to everyone.

Okay, so those weeks aren’t re-appearing but I think I know how to fix it.

As I said before, it seemed to have fixed itself but I don’t know how. I have a feeling it happens when a report gets generated and email or sent in a SMS or something along those lines.

I’m going to wait until tomorrow, when my next SMS will be sent, and see if the issues has fixed itself then.

It appears that majority of the reports have been fixed except one. I think they fixed themselves when I got a weekly report this morning. The one that is yet to rectify its issue DIDN’T send a report this morning so I’ll schedule a report and see if it fixes its issue next week.

At this point in time it looks like generating reports out of the UI, by email for example, is what fixes this issue. In short the only way to fix it is to just wait and let it fix itself.