WARNING: /vendor/symfony/polyfill-iconv/

I’m totally lost on why this is happening. Any suggestions much appreciated.

WARNING: /vendor/symfony/polyfill-iconv/Iconv.php(454): Deprecated - Function utf8_decode() is deprecated - Matomo 5.0.1 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already) (Module: MultiSites, Action: index, In CLI mode: false)

Hi @bulgin1
Which PHP version do you run?

running 8.2 on server.

Thank you for responding!

Just did a new install of matomo and yet again tons of warning messages. This shouldn’t be so difficult it’s going into a standard cpanel install with php ea-php82 or ea-php80. with Matomo 5.0.2. Either one, I get loads of error messages.

here is a typical warning message:
WARNING: /vendor/symfony/polyfill-iconv/Iconv.php(454): Deprecated - Function utf8_decode() is deprecated - Matomo 5.0.2 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already) (Module: CoreHome, Action: index, In CLI mode: false)

Issue created in the GitHub repo:

Can you add in the GitHub ticket in which action this happens? (during tracking, during archiving, etc.?)