Warning - Error while sending STMT_PREPARE packet. PID=887526 - Piwik 2.10.0


WARNING SitesManager[2015-01-06 12:30:02] [fe2f0] /home/pcsolcom/public_html/piwik/libs/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php(70): Warning - Error while sending STMT_PREPARE packet. PID=887526 - Piwik 2.10.0 - Please report this message in the Piwik forums: http://forum.piwik.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already)

After successful update to Piwik 2.10.0

+1 here with ver. 2.14.1
and on 2.14.2 too

+1 on 2.14.3

Warning - Error while sending STMT_PREPARE packet. PID=15636 - Piwik 2.14.3

I got the same Error with version 3.0.4:

WARNING: /var/www/piwik/libs/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php(70): Warning - Error while sending STMT_PREPARE packet. PID=13467 - Piwik 3.0.4

Running it under a debian 9.1 and Apache 2.4.25 and php7.0-fpm
on a server with 64 BG RAM


There is an (quite old) github issue about this problem:

You can try out if this tips help:
