Warning - A non-numeric value encountered


We have noticed the following warning message:

WARNING: /core/Metrics/Formatter.php(161): Warning - A non-numeric value encountered - Matomo 4.11.0 - Please report this message in the Matomo forums: https://forum.matomo.org (please do a search first as it might have been reported already) (Module: VisitFrequency, Action: get, In CLI mode: false)

This error showed up when visiting Behaviour → Pages

It is not reproducible, that is, it did not appear second time but we have noticed that the data is missing from about mid-August till now.

Is there any error in the Matomo error log file?

Actually I can’t see any relevant error in the matomo logs.

We run matomo in docker container (official image: matomo:4-fpm-alpine sha256:67daafededbeb76ca09d06c3b4430391d1e16175a2e6d2f6ae3ec103a488acc0)

The only error that appears is: ALERT: oops, unknown child (603) exited with code 0. Please open a bug report (https://github.com/php/php-src/issues)
which appears when archiving (via cronjob) is run (with docker exec…)

So after some digging, I can’t find anything wrong in the logs of matomo or the archiver.

The realtime page shows the visitors, but the Behaviour → Pages, basically anything under Behaviour is empty. (either empty or shows a couple of entries)

This issue seems to affect the data since mid-August (12-13 August)

This affects only a particular site, all the other sites have data.

Any suggestions about what could I check (maybe in the db)?

Do you encounter errors during archiving process?

No errors during archiving.

INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Done archiving!
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  SUMMARY
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Processed 84 archives.
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Total API requests: 84
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  done: 84 req, 104217 ms, no error
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Time elapsed: 104.217s
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  ---------------------------
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  SCHEDULED TASKS
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Starting Scheduled tasks... 
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: executing task Piwik\Plugins\CustomJsTracker\Tasks.updateTracker...
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: finished. Time elapsed: 0.005s
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: executing task Piwik\Plugins\TagManager\Tasks.regenerateReleasedContainers...
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: finished. Time elapsed: 0.445s
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: executing task Piwik\Plugins\AbTesting\Tasks.changeExperimentStatusIfNeeded...
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: finished. Time elapsed: 0.001s
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: executing task Piwik\Plugins\AdvertisingConversionExport\Tasks.prepareExportsIfNeeded...
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: finished. Time elapsed: 0.007s
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: executing task Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tasks.deleteLogData...
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: finished. Time elapsed: 0.002s
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: executing task Piwik\Plugins\PrivacyManager\Tasks.anonymizePastData...
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  Scheduler: finished. Time elapsed: 0.001s
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  done
INFO [2022-09-06 11:31:46] 4433  ---------------------------

Hi @azosimidis
I think you may create a new issue at: