Want to draw report event data with custom_dimensions details

Hello folks,
I’m tracking event data within category, Action, Name & action type custom dimensions details. I’m passing this data to analytics tool from GTM (through customHtml tag). I can also see my tracking data within my event impression. Now that whole data I want in hierarchy into API response; like

  • eventCategory : impression
    • eventAction : item-impression
      • dimension1 : item-11
      • dimension1 : item-12
      • dimension1 : item-13
      • dimension1 : item-13
    • eventAction : event-impression
      • dimension2 : event-1
      • dimension2 : event-2
      • dimension2 : event-3
      • dimension2 : event-5

in the following hierarchy. I want action counts of the data in API. Someone could please help me with the same.

Any help will be highly appreciated.

Kind regards,
Shailesh P.

To draw a report with event data and custom dimensions details, you typically need to use a reporting tool or platform that supports custom dimensions and allows you to create custom reports. Google Analytics is a popular example of such a platform. Here’s a general approach you can take:

  1. Set Up Custom Dimensions: In your analytics platform (e.g., Google Analytics), define custom dimensions that capture the additional details you want to include in your reports. Custom dimensions are additional attributes or metadata you can assign to your events to provide more context.

  2. Instrument Event Tracking: Ensure that your events are properly instrumented to include the custom dimensions you’ve defined. This typically involves adding code to your website or application to send the custom dimension values along with the event data when the events occur.

  3. Create Custom Reports: Use the reporting interface of your analytics platform to create custom reports that include both event data and custom dimension details. You can usually specify which dimensions and metrics you want to include in your reports and apply filters to focus on specific subsets of data.

  4. Visualize the Data: Once you’ve created your custom report, you can visualize the data using various chart types (e.g., bar charts, line charts, pie charts) to gain insights and identify patterns or trends.

  5. Analyze and Interpret: Analyze the data in your custom reports to understand user behavior, track performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions. Look for correlations between event data and custom dimension details to uncover insights that can inform your business strategy.

Remember to regularly review and update your custom reports as needed to ensure they continue to provide relevant and actionable insights based on your evolving business goals and objectives. Additionally, consider integrating other data sources or combining data from multiple reports to gain a more comprehensive understanding of your audience and their interactions with your website or application.

Hi @Jack4,

Thanks for your prompt response. We already are using GA4 for tracking purpose. But the thing is we are not getting the desired Data which we want to collect. Hence we are thinking to use Matomo with google tag manager integration for reporting.

thanks & regards,
Shailesh p.

Hey folks,
back with the updates that helped me for my expected result, which is Live.getLastVisitsDetails API which gives us per visit details then processing it on server end I can manage to get the result.
Hope someone might find this relatable.

Shailesh P.

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