Visits less than pageviews :S

Hi guys,

I’m new on matomo, we are checking the first day’s stats and we saw something really strange, we have more visits than pageviews.

How can it be?


Anyone can drop any info about it, guys?


Which version of Matomo are you using? How is your tracking setup? Is it an SPA or a “normal” webpage?

hey @peterbo thanks!

My version is Matomo 4.3.1, and we are using this piwik code .

<!-- Matomo -->
<script type="text/javascript">
  var _paq = window._paq = window._paq || [];
  /* tracker methods like "setCustomDimension" should be called before "trackPageView" */
  // Call disableCookies before calling trackPageView 
  (function() {
    var u="";
    _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'matomo.php']);
    _paq.push(['setSiteId', '28']);
    /* Sierra Piwik */
    var secondaryTrackerUrl = 'https://URL/piwik.php';
    var secondaryWebsiteId = 35;
    _paq.push(['addTracker', secondaryTrackerUrl, secondaryWebsiteId]);
    /* END Sierra Piwik */
    var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
    g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.src='//www.URL/matomo/matomo.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s);
<!-- End Matomo Code -->

I changed the right URL for “URL”


Do the statistics from Site Id 28 and the secondary tracker 35 match? Can you send me the URL of the website as a DM, then I’d not have to ask so many questions.

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Sent it!! thanks, lets see if you can help :slight_smile:

I’m having the same issue in an SPA: 6957 visits, 3209 unique visitors, but only 4252 pageviews. Any news on this?

If I want to know how many people have visited my site on that day, what’s more reliable: unique visitors or unique page views of the start page?

Is it possible you have a visitor who open the page, wait for a long time (greater than the session time and changing tab browser) then going back to the tab with your page and doing an action (eg. click on an external link)
Then in such case you may have 2 visits (1 for the page load and one for the single action) but only 1 page view…?

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Ah I think you’re on to something there. I just read that the default session time is only 30 minutes. Many of my users stay longer than that, often without interacting with the application. I suspect that If they trigger event tracking after the session has been closed, that also triggers the count of a new visit, but not of a page view, because the page hasn’t reloaded.