Visitor Tracking on media station

Hello everyone, we need help :cold_sweat:

We are implementing event tracking in media stations for a customer, so not a classic website. However, we have the problem that the visits are not tracked correctly.

What we want:
We want this to be counted as a new visitor every time the page is reloaded. This is a little unusual, but since this is not a classic website on the Internet, but a media station for many individual visitors. This means that many visitors use one and the same end device. These visitors should be differentiated.

Our approach:
The following is executed each time the page is reloaded:

  • const randomUserId = user-${this.getRandomInteger(10000000, 99999999)}
  • window._paq.push([‘appendToTrackingUrl’, ‘new_visit=1’])
  • window._paq.push([‘trackPageView’])
  • window._paq.push([‘setUserId’, randomUserId])
  • window._paq.push([‘appendToTrackingUrl’, ‘’])

We try to reset the user ID
We try to “force” a new visit with appendToTrackingUrl.

Can anyone help us?
Thanks in advance

Hi @Daniela1
Maybe you should set the user id before the page view…