Verständnisfrage "Benutzer Fluss" bzw. "Users Flow"


ich schaue mir den Benutzerfluss einer meiner Websites an und frage mich, warum die Anzahl der Besuche, die dort für die jeweiligen Seiten angegeben werden, so stark von den eindeutigen Seitenansichten aus den Aktionen abweichen.

Müsste nicht wenigstens bei “Interaktion 1” die Anzahl aller Besuche der Anzahl in der Besucher-Übersicht entsprechen?

Kann mir das jemand erklären?

Vielen Dank.


I’m looking at the Users Flow of one of my websites and wonder why the amount of visits differs so much from the amount shown in the Visits Overview.

Shouldn’t at least the number at ‘Interaction 1’ be the same as in the Visits Overview?

Can somebody please explain this?

Thank you

How big is the difference? There definitely can and is a bit of a difference expected eg if there are some visitors only with events or so. Are you looking at a recent date?
Also there is a limit in the config looking at max 5000 different pages by default. This can be changed in the config in case you are tracking lots of different URLs?

The difference is quite significant.

I’m looking at the data for last week and while Users Flow tells me that the page had 13867 visits the transitions view of the same page tells me that there were 36766 pageviews from internal pages.

The Pages view shows 44264 pageviews and 35655 unique pageviews.

I would assume that the Users Flow visits would somehow be in the range of the pageviews from internal pages.



How many visits that the visitors overview show? I don’t think we can compare visits with page views here.

Shouldn’t unique pageviews and visits correspond? What’s the difference?

The difference is that one visitor can visit several pages during one visit. So one visit might generate eg 3 unique page views when a visitor visits three different pages.