Using the API to create the "visits in real-time" view


I’m a long-time (self-hosted) Matomo user, and I regularly have my “Visits Log” and sometimes the “Visits in real-time” pages up on a monitor to see what sort of traffic is arriving at my website.

I wondered if there was a way to get the same insights via the API, so I can create my own UI for this same view, but tweaking the rendering of the data.

Having a look, it seems unclear how to get:

  • a list of the most recent i.e. 10 hits
  • the Source of each of the hits i.e. Social network name, search engine name
  • the page that was viewed

Last time I looked, I could get some of this data, but not cross-reference it easily

Welp, it turns out that this was there all along :face_with_peeking_eye:

Doing a lot of API + code digging, I’d missed Live Module’s API noting that Live.getLastVisitsDetails accepts countVisitorsToFetch to tune the number of entries :face_with_peeking_eye:

I can see from the code (plugins/Live/API.php #L140) that this is deprecated and I should use filter_offset and filter_limit

(I would add links but not allowed to with my account, right now)