User roles for Tag management

Hi all,

I’m trying to assign some tag manager related roles to a user but it didn’t work.

  1. Matomo shows the confirm dialog (“Are you sure you want to change user_name 's role to Tag Manager: Write for my site ?”
  2. I click on the YES button.
  3. Matomo shows the users list, where the new role seems correctly assigned but…
  4. …this user actually can’t do any tag-related action (apart from viewing them)
  5. …as superuser, I reload the users list and the user role is the previous one (“view”)

I’m running 4.12.3. Does the same thing happen to you guys?


I just checked the error log (Admin > Diagnostic > Log viewer). This is the error message (traslated in English from Italian):

Uncaught exception in API: /var/www/vhosts/ The access parameter must have one of the following values: [ view, write, admin] , data 'tagmanager_use_custom_templates'. [Query: ?date=today&idSite=2&period=day, CLI mode: 0]