Use mobile app with Matomo for Wordpress?

Hi all,

is it possible to use the mobile (android) app with the Wordpress plugin?
What would be the correct access URL?


Hi Stefan,

Unfortunately the mobile app is not supported currently, see: What are the differences between Matomo On-Premise and Matomo for WordPress? FAQ - Analytics Platform - Matomo

Thank you for the fast answer, Matthieu.

I am using the standard web view on my mobile phone now, looks quite good with its responsive design, some very minor issues e.g. the detailed visit view is too broad for the screen.


Thanks Stefan for the feedback:

some very minor issues e.g. the detailed visit view is too broad for the screen.

Could you create a bug report in our tracker at and we will follow up?


I’m sorry for interrupting you. Are there any updates regarding the WordPress plugins?

Hi @Ace864,

You can subscribe to

to be notified on updates on this.

Hi @Tayyaba_Minhas

For now the issue is not a priority. Please subscribe to it to get notified of the updates.