I initially upgraded from 1.2 to 1.2.1 and noticed that Live Visitors were not showing up when visiting the site. I confirmed this myself. I was getting visitors hours later being listed there. I did a clean install of 1.2.1 deleting the old piwik tables and creating new ones. New visitors still don’t show up even though the visits and page view counter seem to work. Any idea what the problem could be?
I’m having the same issue. I did notice that my UTC server time is correct, and both my global and site-specific settings are set to Chicago, which is currently UTC -5. My visitors are showing up 5 hours behind - I believe that the UTC offset is being calculated twice in the backend.
Try the patch in: Live does not always show recent visitors based on timezone · Issue #2145 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub and please post your feedback in the ticket directly
Try the patch in: Live does not always show recent visitors based on timezone · Issue #2145 · matomo-org/matomo · GitHub and please post your feedback in the ticket directly[/quote]
The patch resolved my issue, and I posted as such in Trac.
Thanks for the assistance, matt.
OP, if you need assistance applying the patch, let me know and I’ll either provide you the patched file or show you how to do it.
I have a report which may or may not be relevant. I too noticed that the Visitor Log was not displaying the recent real-time visits. However, I’m not sure this is a regression because I’ve always felt the Visitor Log did not work correctly. However, I found today (3/26/11) I could get the recent visits by setting the date parameter in the url to 3/27/11 like this: period=day&date=2011-03-27. I think this means that the date parameter is utc date and not local date. Since I think most people would want to see the visitor log in real time the date selection should probably match local time. Also, it should be noted that the date and time of the visits is displayed correctly. So despite choosing 3/27/11, right now I’m seeing visit times reported as “Sat 26 Mar - 13:33:07” which is correct. Hope this helps.