Update to 0.2.30 - Graphs didnt work anymore

FYI AdBlock is an orphaned Firefox extension. AdBlock Plus is a fork and generally considered AdBlock’s successor.

Here’s what solved this Problem for me:

I’ve found out, that my FTP-Client uploaded the “libs/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf”-File in ASCII mode, so the Flash-Plugin could not use the Data. After i’ve re-uploaded this File in Binary-Mode it worked.

[quote=mlussi @ Mar 2 2009, 04:47 PM]Here’s what solved this Problem for me:

I’ve found out, that my FTP-Client uploaded the “libs/open-flash-chart/open-flash-chart.swf”-File in ASCII mode, so the Flash-Plugin could not use the Data. After i’ve re-uploaded this File in Binary-Mode it worked.[/quote]

Exactly the same, thx