Update auf 5.0.0 Error Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column ‘description’ in ‘field list’

Ich habe ein Fehler beim Update von 4.16 nach 5.0


ERROR [14:22:07] 153364 Uncaught exception: /plugins/CoreUpdater/Commands/Update.php(267): Matomo could not be updated! See above for more information. [Query: , CLI mode: 1]

Kritischer Fehler während der Aktualisierung:
Mysqli prepare error: Unknown column ‘description’ in ‘field list’

Hi @G_F

Could you try executing the following SQL query directly on the Matomo database:
update matomo_option set option_value = '4.9.0' where option_name like 'version_TagManager';

Then try running the core:update console command again? There was an issue with a specific version of the tag manager that could have prevented that column from being added, here we’re forcing Matomo to run the updates for the Tag Manager from an older version in order for it to run the update that adds that column.

Please let us know how it goes after executing the above command.


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