I have Piwik 2.5.1-b11 and version 0.1.2 of the Custom Dimensions plugin.
I’ve defined several custom dimensions in scope “action” and then tried to track en event this way :
_paq.push([ “trackEvent”,
“my category”,
“my action”,
“my name”,
{ dimension1: “my dimension value”}]);
The event was logged ignoring the custom dimension value (column “custom_dimension_1” is NULL in table piwik_log_link_visit_action as well as in table piwik_log_visit).
I then tried to define the value of my custom dimension before tracking the event, this way :
_paq.push([“setCustomDimension”,1,“my dimension value”]);
_paq.push([ “trackEvent”,
“my category”,
“my action”,
“my name”,
which results in a JS error on the first command :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘apply’ of undefined
S @ piwik.js:22
Any idea of what I did wrong?