Tracking page title if is disabled javascript

The following code track the page with a specified title:

_paq.push([‘setDocumentTitle’, “<?php echo $model->id ?>”]);

If javascript is disabled, how can track the page?

see How to - Analytics Platform - Matomo

In below line, can we set document title as a parameter?

<noscript><p><img src="" style="border:0" alt="" /></p></noscript>

I need to change the document title.



I used following code but after a while noticed don’t work.

<noscript><img src="http://localhost/minudasht/piwik/piwik.php?idsite=1&rec=1&action_name=<?php echo $model->id ?>" style="border:0" alt="" /><noscript>

what is the problem?

Is it normal that you have “localhost” in there, maybe you should put the Internet URL of your piwik

Is it normal that you have “localhost” in there, maybe you should put the Internet URL of your piwik[/quote]
yes, after uploading the site on the host, it works correctly. what is the reason on local host don’t work?

because localhost does not work for other people (only works for you) see Localhost - Wikipedia