Tracking code doesn't work


I installed Piwik on my QNAP NAS.
Next, adding the tracking code in the head-section of my WordPress website (without plugin!)
This is the code:

If i not at home then i can access my NAS via the platform. This works very good.
For access Piwik over the internet then i can type:

But Piwik doens’t tracking the website.

Is there a solution for this?

(PS: i try test the url:
And this works, but it doesnt tracking the website!)


I find out that, if i enter this url:
The website is tracked!

But can’t find how id this in the tracking code.
Are there tracking code examples, how can add some url?


In the tracking code it sets _paq as an array that holds your data as well as methods that are run asynchronously. You can see in the tracking code that it sets the siteID to 1:

_paq.push([‘SetSiteId’, ‘1’]);

Using the examples at the client and guide you can do things like:

_paq.push([‘setDocumentTitle’, ‘Home Page’]);

This is useful if your web site uses routing code (ie. #tags). In this case the routing “page” will always be tracked by Piwik instead of the actual “page”.

I think that it is a SSL problem.

The website that i want tracking is SSL enabled (https), but Piwik is installed on my Qnap NAS without SSL and the https website blocked the not-secure connection with the my NAS.

I installed now on the secure hosting itself and ther it works perfect!