Hey all. Hoping someone can help
I am currently looking to migrate to Matomo for our web analytics and as such, we are running a PoC.
We have a website up and running with Matomo Tag Manager and all is good. Data flowing.
HOWEVER, we also want to test Matomo with our Android App (previously we used Firebase).
But seem to have hit a wall.
We have used the Matomo Android SDK as per the Matomo website guide, we have installed the various code elements as per the guide but our PoC App doesn’t seem to send data to our Matomo App Property.
We also tried using the Test App from the SDK Git repo - and changed the site ID and collection URL to that of our own, but again this doesn’t seem to provide data in Matomo reporting when the app is tested and should be sending.
When we look in the Live reporting of Matomo we see nothing.
We don’t even seem to have a home screen view when the app boots, like the tracker isn’t initialized?
Is there something obvious we have missed perhaps?
Any advice from someone who has set up android app?
Any help, guidance or experience in helping with this would be greatly appreciated.