Track changes to website

We intend making changes to our website (without doing an A/B test).

Is there some way to record a log of dates when changes to the website are made and have these appear as annotation on some of the graphs such as vistor counts?

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However, you can manually add annotations for specific points in time, which are then visible in graphics. See here:

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thanks for the help. I will give that a try.

import sentry_sdk
from sentry_sdk.integrations.flask import FlaskIntegration

Initialize the Flask application

app = Flask(name)

Configure Sentry


Example route that triggers an error

def hello():
# Simulate a division by minor error
result = 1 / 0
return “Track, website change!”

if name == “main”:

This was facing by me when i tried some different A/B testing methods for the website. It was working for all pages but now not working few pages like…Красивые шрифты онлайн
Please refer me how i can handle this request, a big trouble and headache for me