Trac instance broken after resetting password

Your trac setup is broken, after “Password reset” (might be #3233 ([patch] Infinite redirect loop after resetting the password) – Trac Hacks - Plugins Macros etc.).

There are workarounds/fixes mentioned there - please fix your trac instance, so I can login again.

I don’t want to create a new account… if this cannot be fixed in trac, should I post my patches into the forum?

I’ve sent information about this two weeks ago to your postmaster account, but received no reply nor fix.
Is this forum the only way to contact you (apart from IRC, which is more difficult on weekends)?

Thanks for pointing this out. In the interim, feel free to create a new trac login and post your patches to trac. We’re also investigating a trac plugin memory leak. Our temporary workaround is to restart apache every 5 minutes.

p.s., the core team doesn’t read the postmaster email or use IRC.

Thanks for your reply.
Please notify, if you apply the fix to trac - I’ll wait for that.

So, who reads the postmaster email then? Feels like it is not monitored at all.

Ok. Feel free to post your patches to the forum in the meantime … I don’t have a timeframe for fixing trac.

It’s still not fixed… :confused:

We have finally upgraded Trac to the latest version and now Login + Reset password should work for all users. Please let us know if you have any problem with