There is an error. Please report the message and full backtrace in the Piwik forums

When I install piwik I found this error

There is an error. Please report the message and full backtrace in the Piwik forums.

Warning: curl_getinfo(): supplied argument is not a valid cURL handle resource in /home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/core/Http.php on line 343

Backtrace -->
#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(2, curl_getinfo(): supplied argument is not a valid cURL handle resource, /home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/core/Http.php, 343, Array ([method] => curl,[aUrl] =>,[timeout] => 2,[userAgent] => ,[destinationPath] => ,[file] => ,[followDepth] => 0,[contentLength] => 0,[fileLength] => 0,[ch] => ,[curl_options] => Array ([19914] => ,[10002] =>,[10016] =>,[10018] => Piwik/1.1.1,[42] => ,[78] => 2),[response] => )) called at [(null):0]#1 curl_getinfo(, 3145743) called at [/home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/core/Http.php:343]#2 Piwik_Http::sendHttpRequestBy(curl,, 2, , , , 0) called at [/home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/core/Http.php:72]#3 Piwik_Http::sendHttpRequest(, 2) called at [/home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/core/UpdateCheck.php:51]#4 Piwik_UpdateCheck::check() called at [/home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/plugins/CoreUpdater/CoreUpdater.php:75]#5 Piwik_CoreUpdater->updateCheck(Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => FrontController.checkForUpdates,[_notificationObject] => ,[_notificationInfo] => Array (),[_notificationState] => 0,[_notificationCount] => 0)) called at [(null):0]#6 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_CoreUpdater Object (),[1] => updateCheck), Array ([0] => Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => FrontController.checkForUpdates,[_notificationObject] => ,[_notificationInfo] => Array (),[_notificationState] => 0,[_notificationCount] => 0))) called at [/home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/libs/Event/Dispatcher.php:284]#7 Event_Dispatcher->postNotification(Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => FrontController.checkForUpdates,[_notificationObject] => ,[_notificationInfo] => Array (),[_notificationState] => 0,[_notificationCount] => 0), 1, ) called at [/home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/core/PluginsManager.php:531]#8 Piwik_PostEvent(FrontController.checkForUpdates) called at [/home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/core/FrontController.php:251]#9 Piwik_FrontController->init() called at [/home/enccomeg/public_html/app/webroot/piwik/index.php:59]

any help please

Can you check your php config? I’m guessing curl_init is disabled on your system.

cURL support enabled
cURL Information libcurl/7.19.5 OpenSSL/0.9.8b zlib/1.2.3 libidn/0.6.5

This from my server phpinfo

but when I ran this code

<?php if (function_exists('curl_init')) { echo "curl_init functions are available.
\n"; } else { echo "curl_init functions are not available.
\n"; } ?>

The result was
curl_init functions are not available.


I will contact with my server admin

thanx alot