Test-environments: where can we view Data

When we set up dev and staging versions with a container like “container_OUR-CONTEINER-ID_dev_DEV-ADDITIONAL.js”,
where can we see the data coming from this environment?


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Sorry, I can not help you on this but I actually have the same quastion. Did you ever find out, how to see the data from the different environments?


An easy way to do this is to use a visit dimension that track the container environment…
All data from all versions of the container will be sent to the same Matomo site ID.

If you have a dev/staging environment, you should create a dedicated tracking profile (website in Matomo) for this. That makes sure, that no test data is running in the live reporting.
To automate this, you can create a javascript variable that checks the container environment and sets the site ID accordingly. This variable has to be setup in the Matomo Configuration variable as “Site-ID” definition. Different Container environments will then track their data in the designated profile:

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Hi everyone!

We are using the Tag Manager which seems to come with its own “environment” settings (Settings > System > General Settings > TagManager). These produce separate container IDs for the tracking code, similar to what fritz1 wrote in the first post.

Is there any way to accomplish a similar result using these?


In MTM, you have access to variables about the container:
Then you can create a new variable based on JavaScript function that will process the target site ID
And then in the configuration variable you can use the new variable…: