I have some porn sites that are taking my tracking code as well as all my other site code and placing it on porn sites, is there any way to prevent my code from populating my statistics with porn sites? I dont want user data being pushed to my stats from porn sites.
Matt, I just emailed you, this really is worrying me alot. Long time user, but I need this cleaned up and a solution to easily prevent this going forward, my data is corupted now, worthless to use Piwik with such an event in my account.
My account on Piwik is still poluted with keywords/bad-hits etc, need a fix for this, like removal of the bad data etc, best way to accomplish this please?
For now can you please contact the website owner and ask them to remove your piwik code from their websites? Likely they have put your code by mistake not knowing. Hopefully they will remove the code after you let them know.
Yes the pages are showing 404 now, but my entire Piwik database is polluted with http://www.streamcyclone.com visits, how do I get rid of these?
It’s pointless using Piwik when it’s completely polluted with false hits.
Please guys, what can I do to get rid of this pollution in my stats?
It’s also possible that people are using the tracking API and simply submitting false “hits” while changing the referrer to try and get you to go to their site, possibly downloading malware or worse. I would find it unlikely that someone would “accidentally” copy your code into their own sites.
“I can’t think of a more important feature than this one [whitelist website URLs or hosts allowed to tracked visits].
Data integrity is way more important than anything I can think of.”