Spanish localisation date picker bug

Hi There,

When using the spanish localisation and trying to pick a date in the date picker, I get an error and am unable to set the date.

It returns nan-nan-nan

Any ideas?


Thanks for the report.
Can you reproduce it on
What browser are you using?


I just try to reproduce on the demo and it seems to be working fine there. I’m using the latest version of safari on OS X 10.11

Does the error only happen if you have selected Spanish?

Can you check the console of your browsers developer tools if there is an error (on load and after using the date picker)

Yeah, it only happens in spanish. I’ll check the console to see if there is any errors and get back

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HI there,

I have realised that the error isn’t happening in safari but in chrome for OS X. In safari it works just fine.

Here is what the console has spit out:

jquery.min.js?cb=d3054c922ff9486bb38bab1b962622fc:4 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check
send @ jquery.min.js?cb=d3054c922ff9486bb38bab1b962622fc:4

Uncaught TypeError: a[b].target.className.indexOf is not a function
    at rt.u.ri (eval at xhr.onreadystatechange (:318:9), <anonymous>:389:321)

 Uncaught TypeError: a[b].target.className.indexOf is not a function
    at rt.u.ri (eval at xhr.onreadystatechange (:318:9), <anonymous>:389:321)

here is the chrome version:

Chrome for osx Versión 60.0.3112.90 (Build oficial) (64 bits)

I am pretty clueless why the error happens and can only recommend you to try if it also happens after you disable browser extensions and otherwise report a bug at the github issue tracker.