Some errors

What’s the correct way to solve this?

Declaration of Piwik_Log_APICall::log() should be compatible with that of Piwik_Log::log()
in ‘*********************/core/Log/APICall.php’ at the line 62

#0 Piwik_ErrorHandler(2048, Declaration of Piwik_Log_APICall::log() should be compatible with that of Piwik_Log::log(), /core/Log/APICall.php, 62, Array ()) called at [(null):0]
#1 Piwik::createLogObject() called at [
#2 Piwik::createLogObject() called at [/plugins/Installation/Controller.php:384]
#3 Piwik_Installation_Controller->initObjectsToCallAPI() called at [
#4 Piwik_Installation_Controller->firstWebsiteSetup() called at [*********************/plugins/Installation/Installation.php:61]
#5 Piwik_Installation->startInstallation(Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => FrontController.NoConfigurationFile,[_notificationObject] => Exception Object ( => The configuration file *********************/config/config.ini.php has not been found., => , => 0, => *********************/core/Config.php, => 109, => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => *********************/core/Piwik.php,[line] => 1290,[function] => init,[class] => Piwik_Config,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[1] => Array ([file] => *********************/core/FrontController.php,[line] => 217,[function] => createConfigObject,[class] => Piwik,[type] => ::,[args] => Array ()),[2] => Array ([file] => /index.php,[line] => 53,[function] => init,[class] => Piwik_FrontController,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()))),[_notificationInfo] => Array (),[_notificationState] => 0,[_notificationCount] => 0)) called at [(null):0]
#6 call_user_func_array(Array ([0] => Piwik_Installation Object ([] => Piwik_Installation_Controller),[1] => startInstallation), Array ([0] => Piwik_Event_Notification Object ([_notificationName] => FrontController.NoConfigurationFile,[_notificationObject] => Exception Object ([] => The configuration file /config/config.ini.php has not been found.,[] => ,[] => 0,[] => /core/Config.php,[] => 109,[] => Array ([0] => Array ([file] => /core/Piwik.php,[line] => 1290,[function] => init,[class] => Piwik_Config,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()),[1] => Array ([file] => /core/FrontController.php,[line] => 217,[function] => createConfigObject,[class] => Piwik,[type] => ::,[args] => Array ()),[2] => Array ([file] => /index.php,[line] => 53,[function] => init,[class] => Piwik_FrontController,[type] => ->,[args] => Array ()))),[_notificationInfo] => Array (),[_notificationState] => 0,[_notificationCount] => 0))) called at [/libs/Event/Dispatcher.php:214]
#7 Event_Dispatcher->addObserver(Array ([0] => Piwik_Installation Object ([] => Piwik_Installation_Controller),[1] => startInstallation), FrontController.NoConfigurationFile) called at [
#8 Piwik_PluginsManager->addPluginObservers(Piwik_Installation Object ([] => Piwik_Installation_Controller)) called at [
#9 Piwik_PluginsManager->loadPlugins() called at [
#10 Piwik_PluginsManager->setPluginsToLoad(Array ([0] => CorePluginsAdmin,[1] => CoreAdminHome,[2] => CoreHome,[3] => API,[4] => Widgetize,[5] => LanguagesManager,[6] => Actions,[7] => Dashboard,[8] => Referers,[9] => UserSettings,[10] => UserCountry,[11] => VisitsSummary,[12] => VisitFrequency,[13] => VisitTime,[14] => VisitorInterest,[15] => ExampleAPI,[16] => ExamplePlugin,[17] => ExampleRssWidget,[18] => ExampleFeedburner,[19] => ExampleRssWidget,[20] => Provider,[21] => Feedback,[22] => Login,[23] => UsersManager,[24] => SitesManager,[25] => Installation)) called at [
#11 Piwik_FrontController->init() called at [

Upgrade to 0.4.1.