Session Recording does not show OpenLayers canvas elements

Session recording videos are capturing all elements of our web platform except the Openlayers map. No map elements are displayed and the element is the same as the background colour in recording videos (effectively transparent or not being captured at all).

We have tried implementing:
_paq.push([‘trackVisibleContentImpressions’, true, 1000]);
// Checks DOM for new elements each second
_paq.push([‘MediaAnalytics::scanForMedia’, document.getElementById(‘map’)]);
// Checks for Media elements

We have also tried waiting for the map to fully render before triggering session recordings with:

We have also tried using a standard canvas element on the page, which records correctly so is this possibly a conflict with openlayers / svg or something incorrect with our implementation?

Our map is a Openlayers canvas svg with custom layers coming from an internal map server.

Hi Jude,

Can you please email the URL of the page your trying to record to We will investigate further from there.
