Send WooCommerce purchase data to Facebook Pixel with the Purchase Event information matching the order details

I have woocommerce matomo plugin. I am using matomo tag manager for my configuration.

I am trying to implement facebook purchase pixel event. But the code is not working. If anyone can help me with one of these two issues that would be great.

Issue No. 1:- Matomo debug window is not displaying.

When I activate Matomo Debug mode in Matomo Tag Manager, I can see the message that it activates it. According to the documentation, if I open my site in a new tab I should always see the debug window at the bottom of my screen so that I can view all the triggers, tags, events, etc.

This does not appear. We’ve tested it with multiple users and devices, having each person enable the debug mode and follow the same procedure without success.

When I append the ? debug query at the end of my URL, then I can see the debug window. Since he query does not stay on every page load, when I do a test purchase in WooCommerce Checkout… the debug query is gone when the receipt page is loaded. This means I can’t see the debug window and information. If I append the query, it does not show the purchase tag but that seems normally as I am simply reloading the receipt page and the purchase is not firing again inside of WooCommerce.

Does anyone know how to make the debug information window stick throughout every page load
as I navigate the site and load multiple pages? This would give me the information to further troubleshoot.

Issue No. 2:- Facebook does not appear to receive the data.

I setup the following Tag in Matomo Tag Manager:

Then I also setup the following Trigger:

Name is “Order Purchase”

It only triggers when “form destination url” contains “/checkout”

I also tried this variation of the Tag (That’s because I have the Matomo Tag firing successfully for the Facebook Pixel View event and I wasn’t sure if I needed to re-enter the complete code on the purchase event):

We have created variable named “Marketing Cookie”

Finally, when I go to Matomo itself we can see the eCommerce purchase data coming through. This at least validates that the Matomo WooCommerce plugin is operation properly.

Desired outcome: Send WooCommerce purchase data to Facebook Pixel with the Purchase Event information matching the order details.

Thanks in advance.

I have this same question too, regarding the Facebook pixel - How can we reliably use the Tag Manager to send the data appropriately?

Is there a plugin that interfaces the tag manager with woocommerce, just like the analytics plugin?

This forum seems really dead, unfortunately… Matomo is a great tool.


I wouldn’t call over 600 posts a month dead. I just think that not that many people are familiar with things like Facebook Pixel and things like that. (at least I am not).

I can only recommend you the tag manager developer tools:

If there is something the existing Tags/Variables/Triggers/etc. can’t do, it is pretty easy to develop custom ones that do exactly what you want.

I wouldn’t call over 600 posts a month dead.

Apologies, didn’t see the whole forum. It just happened that I searched this forum for 3-5 questions that I had and it seemed that all of them were unanswered, with zero replies! :stuck_out_tongue:

And I’d hoped that my questions are reasonably common for anyone taking the route of Woocommerce + Matomo + Facebook, which probably isn’t too uncommon.

Re the Tag Managers though, I think my question is perhaps two pronged, for this topic.

  1. What is the best practice to capture triggers/events for Woocommerce in Matomo Tag Mgr? (since woo is a pretty popular platform, I suppose someone here must have a good sense of how to do this?)
  2. How to pass this info to Facebook after capturing it in MTM (esp with the data layers for product name, price, qty etc.)

I suppose Facebook pixel is one of the more popular tracking tags out there, and should be a reasonable question someone who uses Matomo should be familiar with applying. Hoping someone here has that info.

I’m no dev, but I’m moderately savvy with tech. So am looking for an answer that hopefully doesn’t come with coding, API’s etc. :sweat_smile:


I wouldn’t call over 600 posts a month dead.

Looks dead-ish to me!

Was searching for another topic when I stumbled upon my old reply, still unanswered

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