Selecting metrics in a custom evolution chart

I have created a plugin to generate an evolution chart for some custom data. The code is as follows

class Piwik_MultplxAnalytics_Controller extends Piwik_Controller{

function CustomerJourneysGraph(){
$view = Piwik_ViewDataTable::factory(‘graphEvolution’);
$view->init( $this->pluginName, FUNCTION, ‘MultplxAnalytics.GetCustomerJourneys’ );
return $this->renderView($view);



This creates a chart with several lines on it. I would like to be able to turn those lines on and off individually for clarity. I’ve installed Piwik 1.7, and I know that there’s a way of doing it with Piwik 1.7, but after 2 days of examining the codebase, I’ve not been able to work out how to do it. I think I need to invoke the function Piwik_ViewDataTable_GenerateGraphData_ChartEvolution->addRowPicker(), but I can’t work out how to access this from my code, of what to use as its argument.

Dr Peter J Bleackley
Data Analyst

We should document this in the “ExampleUI” plugin. Please create a ticket in

I’ve added ticket #3008 for this. However, it would be really helpful if somebody could post a quick note here about how to do it.

Dr Peter J Bleackley
Data Analyst

If you are in a hurry please consider contracting Piwik consultant:
we are quite overloaded (to say the least)

After some further investigations, I’ve changed my code to

function CustomerJourneysGraph(){
   $view = $this->getLastUnitGraphAcrossPlugins( $this->pluginName,  __FUNCTION__, $shops, $shops, false, 'MultplxAnalytics.GetCustomerJourneys' );
   return $this->renderView($view);


The chart now displays a selector, but when I deselect particular lines, nothing happens.

Dr Peter J Bleackley
Data Analyst

Please post in the ticket directly for ease of follow up

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We are crowd funding the future of Piwik and this feature in particular. With your help we can do it.

