Segment error in custom dashborads

There seems to be a glitch with the custom dashboards and segments:

  1. While in a non-custom dashboard I select a visitor segment
  2. With the segment still selected I switch to one of my custom dashboards
  3. I get an error of the type:

The segment 'visitorId!%252525253D643eab7c9bf98e9c%252525253BvisitorId!%252525253D9dbcda4866eaca8b%252525253BeventAction!%…' is not valid


  1. While in a custom dashboard I select a visitor segment
  2. With the segment still selected I switch to another custom dashboard
  3. I get an error of the type:

visitorId is expected to be a 16 hex char string

In both cases the error goes away when I deselect the segment and then reselect it (still in the same dashboard).

So it appears that not my segment is faulty but something with the custom dashboards.(?)

The error doesn’t appear when switching (with a segment selected) from one non-custom dashboard to another non-custom dashboard.

Piwik 2.14.0rc4 (was also in previous versions).


Hi Tom,

Can you please create a bug report at: Issues · matomo-org/piwik · GitHub
and post there the steps to reproduce the problem?
