Screenshot of heatmaps disappear

Sometimes our screenshot of heamaps disappear. It has also happened that it returns after a few days and work fine.

What can make a screenshot disappear? Could anyone give us any tips what to look for?
When is the screenshot created?

We have deleted the screenshot and a new one has worked. However, we can only delete and replace screenshots of active heatmaps. So when a heatmap has ended and the screenshot disappear and we can not delete and create a new one.

Grateful for any tips!
Best regards,

Hello @E111 I just want to ask, when the screenshot disappeared, has the heatmap already ended or it was still on going when it disappeared?

The heatmap was active and on going when the screenshot disappeared.
We have also experienced in one case that it returned and started working again.
It’s very difficult to understand what could cause this behaviour…

Hi again @E111

Thanks for getting back to us. Could you please reach out to our support mailbox so we can check on this further. Please include a full screenshot of your heatmap configuration.

Are you still facing this issue?

Thanks! I will send an email to you with more details.

yes, it is still ongoing.