Same visitor counted as seperate visits

piwik 1.1.1 installed

some visitors are counted as separate visits even thou they hit the site at the same time. all visits (to different pages) were at exactly the same them and from the same ip address. How is this possible

if they were separate visits why weren’t they counted as return visitors

Thu 6 Jan - 12:17:13 (0s) [United States, Provider Comcast] [Chrome 8.0, Plugins: pdf, flash, java, quicktime, windowsmedia] [Linux, 1680x1050] IP:
Pages: []

Thu 6 Jan - 12:17:13 (0s) [United States, Provider Comcast] [Chrome 8.0, Plugins: pdf, flash, java, quicktime, windowsmedia] [Linux, 1680x1050] IP:
Pages: []

Thu 6 Jan - 12:17:13 (0s) [United States, Provider Comcast] [Chrome 8.0, Plugins: pdf, flash, java, quicktime, windowsmedia] [Linux, 1680x1050] IP:
Pages: []

That is probably a display issue with the Live plugin, but we also fixed a bug with overcounting visits in 1.1.2b1 which you can download from:

upgraded to 1.1.2b

we still have this problem. both visitor stats and Live Visitor stats show the same information

this excerpt is from the visitors log

Thu 6 Jan - 16:33:21
Provider: Seznam [Czech Republic, Provider Seznam] [Netscape 5.0 with plugins flash enabled] [Unknown, 1600x1200 (normal)]
Plugins: Flash
Direct Entry
1 Action - 0s


    Thu 6 Jan - 16:33:21
    Provider: Seznam [Czech Republic, Provider Seznam] [Netscape 5.0 with plugins flash enabled] [Unknown, 1600x1200 (normal)]
    Plugins: Flash
    Direct Entry
    1 Action - 0s


    Thu 6 Jan - 16:33:21
    Provider: Seznam [Czech Republic, Provider Seznam] [Netscape 5.0 with plugins flash enabled] [Unknown, 1600x1200 (normal)]
    Plugins: Flash
    Direct Entry
    1 Action - 0s


jekko, please send me by email matt att your bug report + piwik url + login password thanks

I have the same issue.

Sometimes one vistor reaches the site and viewed multiple pages. The IP-Adress is allways the same, but there are 2 entries in the live- and visitor-log.
In the table piwik_log_visit are two entries for the visitor. Every config-value is identical exept the “location_browser_lang”:
one entry is “de”, the other one is “de-de”.

It seems, the OS is always “WI7” and the browser is always “IE 8.0”.

Which config-values are used to get the config_id? Can I manually disable the location_browser_lang?

Does it happen very often? if not, it is possible that 2 users use same OS + browser + IP… yes, the language is used in the config_id, see line 1162 in core/Tracker/Visit.php

Very often? Hmmm… I have about 30-40 visitors a day and this happens at least one time every day.

Can I just take out the location_browser_lang in core/Tracker/Visit.php or better use just the first characters before space or “-”?

you can, but most likely these are 2 different people, or the visitor changed his browser setting during the visit?

As I said, I have only 30-40 visitors per day. There is enough time between the visits, so I can very clearly say the entrys are from the same visitors.
Everything else is identical (IP, time, browser, OS, plugins,…).

And all double-entries are from different users, at least when I look at the detected city it looks so. They have only one in common: OS is Win7, browser is IE 8.0.

I use the PHP API, maybe there is a fault in getting the @$_SERVER[‘HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE’]

I will cut out the location_browser_lang. I seems the better way, at least for my purpose.
