Reports not processed for low traffic website

Hey guys

I am getting this notification when logging in Matomo dashboard:

“It looks like reports for this period have not been processed yet. Do you want to see what’s happening now? Check out the Visits log or choose a different date period until the reports are generated.”

This is for a website that has low visits daily.

I already have a /etc/cron.d/matomo-archive file with archiving set like here , and I’ve just setup a file in the same folder to run hourly crons.

Am I missing something?

How can I force Matomo to get the latest visits data once I am logging into Matomo and refresh the page, OR click on this specific website?

PS: I just ran this command su www-data -s /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/php /path/to/matomo/console core:archive --url=" and I don’t see the notification anymore, but how can I get it running all the time scheduled, i.e. once per hour OR once I click on the Matomo domain in dashboard?

Thank you!