Reports frequency update in Matomo Cloud


Checking this page, I understand the update frequency of aggregated reports in Matomo Cloud. However, I’d like to know two things:

  • Is there a possibility to generate aggregated reports more frequently with Matomo Enterprise?
  • Apart from aggregated reports, is the rest of the information that Matomo generates in real-time through the SaaS version?

Thanks, regards

Your traffic generates “raw” data in matomo. The archive process generates reports from it.

In Matomo on-premise (that you probably mean with “Enterprise”) there are two ways of handling reports: You either do it real time “on call” or you do it with a cron job called “archive”.

“Real time” calculates the reports (based on already existing reports) when you access a report. depending on the amount of raw data, this can take quite long. That’s when you choose the cron job.

The archive cronjob can (and must) be freely configured to run whenever you like. Example: On our Matomo, the longest such job (after midnight when the day is complete) takes about 35min to run. That’s why we let it run every hour.

if you choose cron, there is no more real time reports. If you access a report, the precalculated report is displayed (instantly). A report refreshes whenever the cron job finishes next time.

this is all done on-premis, no matomo cloud resources are used for this.

Hi Stefan, thanks for your response.

When I talk about “Enterprise” or “cloud” I mean the different hosting options that has Matomo, according to this link.
In the link I sent before, they refer to a plugin to load in real time information, besides aggregated reports, which are precalculated with a specific frequency.
What I want to know is if that frequency can be modified with the “Enterprise” Cloud solution (not on on-premise).

Thanks, regards