Hi i have a wordpress site where i extract username as a custom variable now i am able to see how many times each customer logins and i can select month year ans so on but i would like to take this data and make this into a report of how much they access the site each month for a period of a year so i can send it to the users.
is this possible
Hi Jens, Yes this is possible and i have already done it. You nee to use matomo api for it. If you don’t know about it please read the documentation. Some sample code given below.
$Web_data = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), true);
for ($i=0; $i <sizeof($Web_data) ; $i++) {
if(array_key_exists("customVariables",$Web_data[$i]) AND (sizeof($Web_data[$i]["customVariables"])>0) AND ($Web_data[$i]["customVariables"]["1"]["customVariableValue1"]!="visitor"))
$time=$Web_data[$i]["serverDatePretty"]." ".$Web_data[$i]["serverTimePretty"];
echo "
<td><a target='_blank' href='http://localhost/testing/show_record.php?id=".$v_id."&v_name=".$name."&t_actions=".$actions."'>$name</a></td>